Category ArchiveLinks

Centro Educativo Altair (Sevilla, España)

Altair es un colegio concertado que imparte Educación Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato y Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio y Superior para varones. También ofrece formación continua y ocupacional, dirigida a personas que quieren mejorar su cualificación profesional.
Es una obra corporativa del Opus Dei (pincha aquí) y comenzó su andadura en 1967, con el impulso directo de San Josemaría Escrivá, fundador del Opus Dei.

Ely University Centre (Dublin, Irlanda)

Ely is an independent college residence in central Dublin providing full-board accommodation for male students. It is ideally located in the heart of Dublin city, just off St Stephen’s Green and a five minutes’ walk from Trinity College Dublin.

ELIS Corporate School (Roma, Italia)

ELIS promuove attività formative finalizzate al lavoro e di solidarietà sociale dal 1964. Con sede principale a Roma nel quartiere Tiburtino – Casal Bruciato e attraverso enti non profit, organizza corsi per giovani e lavoratori, conduce scuole, istituti professionali e residenze di studenti. L’Associazione Centro ELIS è ONG per la cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo in Italia, in Asia, Africa e America Latina. Ha sedi anche a Palermo, Castel Gandolfo e Ovindoli.

Centro Educativo Fuenllana (Alcorcón. Madrid, España)

Fuenllana es un Centro Educativo Concertado que nació en 1974, con la finalidad de la formación integral de la mujer. El curso 2005/06 se trasladó a Alcorcón para ayudar a las familias en su tarea educativa.

La educación está dirigida a favorecer la madurez personal y la adquisición de valores humanos en la mujer

La enseñanza de contenidos científicos y culturales se complementa con actividades orientadas a una formación que atienda todas las dimensiones de la personalidad.

Andel Centro Educativo (Alcorcón. Madrid, España)

Andel es un Centro Educativo Concertado Bilingüe para varones situado en Alcorcón (al sur de Madrid). Es una obra corporativa del Opus Dei (institución de la Iglesia Católica). El Centro nace con el fin de ayudar a las familias en su tarea educativa.

Studiecentrum Lepelenburg (Utrecht, Paises Bajos)

Es una residencia universitaria para varones.

Netherhall House (London, UK)

Netherhall House is an intercollegiate hall of residence for male students, situated in a pleasant part of Hampstead, and well-connected by public transport to the colleges and institutions of higher education in London. In the tradition of Oxbridge colleges, Netherhall supports your pursuit of academic excellence and all-round development, within a community of university students, teachers and researchers.

Fonteneige University Centre (Montreal CA)

Fonteneige University Center accomodates young female full-time university and cegep students. The center is more than just a residence. It provides warm family atmosphere and an environment conducive to academic work.

Castleville Study Centre (Ireland, UK)

Castleville Study Centre provides study facilities for second and third-level students and full-board accommodation for male college students. It offers a focus for academic life and an environment that encourages students to get the most out of their years in university, and education generally.
Social projects organised both locally and in developing countries give students an opportunity to help children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Our facilities and activities are also open to non-resident university students and graduates who have already started to work.
Students of all nationalities and creeds are welcome.
Education in religious values is provided in Castleville by Opus Dei, a personal Prelature of the Catholic Church.

Bayridge Residence

Bayridge is an independent student residence and cultural center situated in the heart of Boston’s Back Bay. The dorm-like facility houses nearly 60 undergraduate and graduate women from more than a dozen schools in the area.
Bayridge is much more than a dorm or a housing facility. The serious study atmosphere allows students to excel in their chosen degree, while the family atmosphere gives everyone a place to call home. In addition, residents are welcome to participate in a variety of cultural activities offered by the Cultural Center.
The residence and cultural center are open to women of all nationalities, creeds, and ethnic backgrounds.
The activities of spiritual formation offered at Bayridge are entrusted to Opus Dei, a personal prelature of the Catholic Church.