Category ArchiveClub’s

Ciudad de los niños

Ciudad de los Niños de Monterrey fue fundada el 20 de septiembre de 1951 por el Padre Carlos Álvarez Ortiz. En 1986 el patronato decidió atacar desde su raíz el problema de la pobreza y el abandono de los niños, y a partir de entonces Ciudad de los Niños se convirtió en un Centro de Desarrollo Educativo y Familiar.

Reston Study Center (1810 Old Reston Avenue Reston, VA 20190)

Reston Study Center is a supplementary education center dedicated to character development of students and professional men.

Ernescliff College (Toronto, Canadá)

Ernescliff College is a residence offering a home away from home for young men in university. It is also a student centre that offers courses and other learning opportunities to university and high school students.

Studentenhaus Allenmoos (Zurich)

Allenmoos es una residencia para estudiantes de la ETH y la Universidad de Zurich. Los estudiantes nacionales y extranjeros pueden participar en actividades de formación de diversos tipos. Además, la casa cuenta con dos docenas de habitaciones y ofrece a sus residentes un marco óptimo para un serio estudio .

Kintore College (75 Charles Street West Toronto, ON located near the University of Toronto St. George (downtown) campus. Canadá)

At Kintore, each resident contributes to cultivating a sense of family where service, friendship and respect for others are valued. Kintore is a place to make deep friendships, meet young ladies who excel at what they do and share good ideas.​​​​​Kintore sees itself as a springboard for personal growth and professional success. It encourages the residents to demonstrate courtesy and respect in their relations with one another.

VALRIDEAU University Residence (453 Daly Avenue, Ottawa ON, K1N 6H6. Canada)

Valrideau University Residence welcomes postsecondary female students who are registered in full-time academic programs.

Valrideau is an intellectual and fun environment where each resident contributes to cultivating a family spirit, and where social interaction provides an opportunity to develop interests and talents. The Residence is also the hub of sports, cultural and spiritual activities. Other activities are organized to deepen an awareness of solidarity with those in need around us. All these activities ultimately result in personal growth and self-enrichment in an atmosphere of friendship and confidence.

Warrane College (Australia)

The College
In the tradition of Oxbridge colleges, Warrane supports your pursuit of academic excellence and all-round development, within a community of university students, teachers and researchers.

At Warrane you will live among students from all over Australia and the world, enrolled in all faculties of the university from undergraduate to post-doctoral levels.

Westfield Residence (500 Kelton Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024)

Westfield is a student residence and cultural center for college and professional women. A variety of intellectual and cultural seminars are offered to help women to exert a positive influence among their peers at the university, among colleagues at work and in their family life. The programs of a spiritual nature at Westfield are entrusted to Opus Dei, a personal prelature of the Catholic church.

Residencia Universitaria Cebil

El Cebil es una Residencia Universitaria para varones, ubicada en la cercanía de varias facultades, que proporciona alojamiento para los estudiantes y promueve su formación humana, espiritual, social y cultural. Situada en San Miguel de Tucumán en Argentina

Alumno College (Residencias Universitarias adscritas a U. de Navarra)

Esta página ofrece información de 4 Colegios Mayores o Residencias Universitarias que están adscritas a la Universidad de Navarra.
Todas ofrecen alojamiento y formación tanto académica, humana y espiritual